Advantages of incorporating in Dubai
Setting up a company in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates comes with numerous advantages that entrepreneurs in the GAS region can only dream of. Our team of experts is dedicated to simplifying the process, providing customised solutions and ensuring that you maximise your profits.
Why Dubai?
Whether freelancers, digital entrepreneurs, SMEs, influencers or wealthy individuals – the United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers unique advantages worldwide.
More than 500,000 people from all over the world have turned their backs on their home country and emigrated to Dubai in the last 5 years.
This is partly due to the high quality of life, the excellent tax policy and the emerging economy in Dubai and the UAE.
Why it pays off for you
0% Tax burden
In 95% of cases our clients are exempt from income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax & VAT.
Hardly any bureaucracy
The bureaucratic effort for a company in Dubai is extremely low compared to Europe.
100% anonymity
In Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, there are no publicly viewable registration & trade registers.
No residence obligation
As a company owner, you only need to enter the country for 24 hours every 6 months to maintain your visa.
Request a free consultation now
Contact us
Do you need help with your first steps or are you not sure whether setting up a company in the UAE is feasible for you? Simply contact us and let us know your questions and needs. Our local experts will help you with every question.
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